Final Fantasy 15‘s Magitek Exosuit DLC is put on hold, due to similarities between the admittedly rather colorful suits and the iconic Power Ranger armor.

If you’re a fan of Square Enix’s new Final Fantasy 15, no doubt you’ve already heard the news about the game’s booster pack DLC that will be releasing later this month. As of February 21, players were set to be able to suit up in new, colorful Magitek Exosuits which would make the team invincible for a short period of time.

This may not be the case any longer however, as the resemblence that the Exosuits hold to the Power Ranger battle armor is rather uncanny, causing the developer to reconsider its design choices. In Square Enix’s latest livestream, the company announced that the similarities were pointed out by the Power Ranger publisher, and that the Final Fantasy 15 DLC would now be coming at a later date.